Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1619 Words

E VERYONE KNOWS THAT OUR YOUNG, innocents need to be shielded from the big, bad world that envelops them on a daily basis. But are we taking this bubble wrapping too far? Has our initial need to protect our young become an irrational fear? Does the terror of having a paedophile lurking right outside our homes, roaming our streets eyeing our children escalated to an extent identical to the hysteria in The Crucible about witches? The answer is yes. Yes, the fear has and still is, on the rise as the hysteria stimulated by the ever-more threatening encroachment of paedophilia seems to closely follow in the footsteps of predecessors like McCarthyism and, ultimately, the Salem witch-hunts. Therefore, the central issue for us to examine is the†¦show more content†¦For this reason, McCarthyism acted as a catalyst, which catapulted the play into popularity in the 1960’s, a popularity that has survived to this very day. A Crucible: Ideology AN IDEOLOGY ACTS LIKE A CRUCIBLE AS IT IS AN essential element. An ideology consists of the identical beliefs of a group of people (which ultimately shapes their worldview and thus their behaviour and actions). In The Crucible, the root ideology was Puritanism, which is based on the belief that God was omnipotent. They strived to live by the teaching of the bible and achieve purity. As a result, there was a strong intolerance towards any type of error, a socially unforgivable intolerance that had to be squashed. Abigail was consumed by guilt – for the ‘sins ‘she had committed- in a society ruled by the dictates of the Puritanical ideals. So instinctively, she diverts the attention away from herself by blaming someone even more helpless than her, her slave Tituba by shouting that, â€Å"She made me do it. She made Betty do it.† (Page 45) Abigail then becomes blameless and innocent because of this. This is similar to the way the Catholic Church has tried to divert media attention away from their paedophilic actions of some of their priests. In a similar way to Abigail, the Catholic Church has used methods of diversion by hushing victims or as The Age reported, â€Å"moved (paedophilic priests) from Parish to Parish†. Such as (more evidence?)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analyzing The Association Between Intake Of Different...

In this study, we conducted multivariate linear regression analysis to examine the association between intake of different types of beverages and obesity outcomes in children and adults. We found out that, SSB intake in both children and adults had the significant contribution to obesity outcomes. This positive association is consistent with previous studies reporting a strong positive dose-response relationship between intake of SSB and adiposity among Australian and Danish children (12, 21), and positive association between SSB intake and obesity in adults (5, 6). A recent study aiming to investigate factors related to SSB consumption in Australia also pointed out that obese people were more likely to drink SSB than people in normal†¦show more content†¦Limit evidence in energy mediating effect may indicate that non-energy effect of SSB, such as its contribution to accelerating glycemic load, may play an essential role in increasing the risk of obesity (9). In this study, we observed a significant decrease in BMI and WC after replacing SSB with tea/coffee, fruit juice, water and milk in adults and a significant increase in BMI/BMI-z score and WC with the replacement of diet drink in both children and adults. No significant association was found in between intake other SSB alternatives and obesity outcomes in children. Children Several previous findings demonstrated that substitution of SSB with water and milk has significantly adverse effect on obesity outcomes (14, 24).Water has always been acknowledged as a good alternative of SSB due to its possible reduce the effect on energy intake (25). This finding is consistent with the previous prospective cohort study among Australian children, which also explore the beneficial effect on weight control by replacing SSB with water. A cohort study among 9-year-old Danish children also indicated the inverse association between substitution effects of milk on building fatness. Milk has always been recommended as healthy beverage choice for

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Origin and Spread of Vernacular Language free essay sample

Historical Foundations by Barbara D. Barnes AIU Online May 11, 2013 Abstract In this paper we are to report on the origins of vernacular language, or the language that is commonly spoken in a particular region or area, and its spread. Then we will assess and evaluate the impacts the spread of vernacular language had on cultures during this time. UNIT 2 IP Introduction I will be discussing the origins, and spread, of the vernacular language. I will also assess and evaluate the impacts the spread of the vernacular language had on the cultures during this period of time. Origins and spread of vernacular language During Roman rule, Latin was the common language spoken; especially in religion (church) and the court. However, over time, the language started to change. Latin was still customary to some social classes, but the vernacular was being used more and more. Vernacular language was beginning to be favored more as it was used to help with religion too. We will write a custom essay sample on Origin and Spread of Vernacular Language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Vernacular languages, or the common language of that region or area, started being used more in the 12th century by writers. It became an important part of poetry and was used by the Troubadours and Trobairitz of that time so that it was available to a larger group of people that wanted the access to the romantic literature. Noble women played a big part in the vernacular being used more because they preferred their plays and poems written in it. By the 13th century, vernacular language was being used in important government and legal documents in England and in France and by the 14th century it had spread throughout most of Europe. By the 15th century, vernacular language had become established in literature and historical record. Vernacular language was able to spread as there were still many people who did not speak Latin. And since Vernacular language made it easier to convert people to Christianity, it was used over Latin. Impacts the spread of vernacular language had on cultures during this time Because the vernacular was becoming more recognized, more things began to happen. Vernacular language allowed the church to reach out to more people, bringing them to religion. Back then, this was very important. When the Bubonic plague hit in the late 1300’s, there was no real way for anyone to be cured of this. The ones that did survive wanted a way to help fight the disease that stole so much from them and decided to enroll in university as they had new ideas on how the disease could be treated. Because of this, the text books started being written in the vernacular language. Vernacular language helped to establish a sense of community as well as to separate and define the different languages we have today. I think the vernacular language also gave women the ability to be a part of something bigger. They became a part of cultural debate and were a large reason for the use of vernacular in poetry. As time went on, more languages developed and the vernacular was the norm. Conclusion Vernacular language has been an important part of society and culture as far back as the 8th century. Today, other countries are still fighting to get back to their old culture (Papa New Guinea being one of them) and have developed schools to assist in the teaching of the vernacular of that region. Because English was made to be the language there for so long, the people of that country had forgotten how to speak the native language. Now, they are able to learn both languages and have a better understanding of their past. Vernacular languages are extremely important as they keep us diverse and interesting. If we had kept the Latin language, I don’t believe we would be where we are today with religion and literature and even the arts. Or architecture either.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Microsoft Antitrust Essays (2426 words) - AOL, Microsoft Litigation

Microsoft Antitrust Since 1990, a battle has raged in United States courts between the United States government and the Microsoft Corporation out of Redmond, Washington, headed by Bill Gates. What is at stake is money. The federal government maintains that Microsoft's monopolistic practices are harmful to United States citizens, creating higher prices and potentially downgrading software quality, and should therefore be stopped, while Microsoft and its supporters claim that they are not breaking any laws, and are just doing good business. Microsoft's antitrust problems began for them in the early months of 1990(Check 1), when the Federal Trade Commission began investigating them for possible violations of the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts,(Maldoom 1) which are designed to stop the formation of monopolies. The investigation continued on for the next three years without resolve, until Novell, maker of DR-DOS, a competitor of Microsoft's MS-DOS, filed a complaint with the Competition Directorate of the European Commission in June of 1993. (Maldoom 1) Doing this stalled the investigations even more, until finally in August of 1993, (Check 1)the Federal Trade Commission decided to hand the case over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice moved quickly, with Anne K. Bingaman, head of the Antitrust Division of the DOJ, leading the way.(Check 1) The case was finally ended on July 15, 1994, with Microsoft signing a consent settlement.(Check 1) The settlement focused on Microsoft's selling practices with computer manufacturers. Up until now, Microsoft would sell MS-DOS and Microsoft's other operating systems to original equipment manufacturers (OEM's) at a 60% discount if that OEM agreed to pay a royalty to Microsoft for every single computer that they sold (Check 2) regardless if it had a Microsoft operating system installed on it or not. After the settlement, Microsoft would be forced to sell their operating systems according to the number of computers shipped with a Microsoft operating system installed, and not for computers that ran other operating systems. (Check 2) Another practice that the Justice Department accused Microsoft of was that Microsoft would specify a minimum number of minimum number of operating systems that the retailer had to buy, thus eliminating any chance for another operating system vendor to get their system installed until the retailer had installed all of the Microsoft operating systems that it had installed.(Maldoom 2) In addition to specifying a minimum number of operating systems that a vendor had to buy, Microsoft also would sign contracts with the vendors for long periods of time such as two or three years. In order for a new operating system to gain popularity, it would have to do so quickly, in order to show potential buyers that it was worth something. With Microsoft signing long term contracts, they eliminated the chance for a new operating system to gain the popularity needed, quickly.(Maldoom 2) Probably the second most controversial issue, besides the per processor agreement, was Microsoft's practice of tying. Tying was a practice in which Microsoft would use their leverage in one market area, such as graphical user interfaces, to gain leverage in another market, such as operating systems, where they may have competition.(Maldoom 2) In the preceding example, Microsoft would use their graphical user interface, Windows, to sell their operating system, DOS, by offering discounts to manufacturers that purchased both MS-DOS and Windows, and threatening to not sell Windows to companies who did not also purchase DOS. In the end, Microsoft decided to suck it up and sign the settlement agreement. In signing the agreement, Microsoft did not actually have to admit to any of the alleged charges, but were able to escape any type of formal punishment such as fines and the like. The settlement that Microsoft agreed to prohibits it, for the next six and a half years from: * Charging for its operating system on the basis of computer shipped rather than on copies of MS-DOS shipped; * Imposing minimum quantity commitments on manufacturers; * Signing contracts for greater than one year; * Tying the sale of MS_DOS to the sale of other Microsoft products;(Maldoom 1) Although these penalties look to put an end to all of Microsoft's evil practices, some people think that they are not harsh enough and that Microsoft should have been split up to put a stop to any chance of them forming a true monopoly of the operating system market and of the entire software market. On one side of the issue, there are the people who feel that Microsoft should be left alone, at least for the time being. I am one of these people,